Russian center of
forensic medical expertise


Russian Center of Forensic Medical Expertise Postgraduate provides the following training courses:


 Postgraduate study;

 Additional trainings in Russian Center of Forensic Medical Expertise: training courses (specialization) and advanced training courses.

Russian Centre of Forensic Medical Expertise accepts graduates of medical universities to the internal form of education: two year postgraduate education (040121. Forensic medical expertise); three year postgraduate education (14.03.05. Forensic medicine).

Forensic experts to enter the postgraduate training courses should deliver the following documents:

  an application from a medical institution (for the State institutions);

  a copy of reference from  a work place;

  a copy of diploma about medical education;

  a work record card copy (assured in a work place, with  a recorded  period of working to the date  of the beginning courses);

  a copy of certificate of the termination a traineeship;

  a copy of certificate of advanced training;

  a copy of diploma of medical scientific degree, a medical category.